addition requests

If you understand what dns is, you can request dns entries at right away. Otherwise, let me explain how you can have your own site here. I will explain how to get things done with github, so you will have to create an accout there.

  1. Before you do anything, you can send me an email to reserve a subdomain (the part of link before the first dot) until you are done with your page
  2. Create a repository that contains your website. We have a very useful template here that can get you started on this task, read the carefully.
    • If you want to avoid having to deal with setting up pages, just go to the repository’s settings, scroll down to Transfer Ownership and write pona-la
    • If you want the repository to stay on your account or in organization, go to the repository’s settings’s pages tab, enable pages on the right branch, and write the link you reserved
  3. If you contacted me first, I will set everything up right away, otherwise, please contact me at, so I know how to set things up. To speed things up, include the repo link, it makes things easier.

If you have any questions about the process, or encountered a problem, shoot me an email at, I will do my best to answer you.